A simple Srilankan meal with Rice, Fish curry cooked in Tamarind and Coconutmilk, mild leeks and potato curry, Beets and Shallots.
Scroll down to Recipe time should you wish to avoid thoughts and life in general by Mama to the terrible four or you can read on..
I’m staring at an empty screen, absolutely clueless as to what I should write when a chin settles on my shoulder and there it stays a few seconds, I’m still staring, the chin settles in more comfortably and talks,”aren’t you writing?” it asks.
“No, I just can’t think of anything to write and I need this to go on the blog tomorrow”.
Indrawn breath” you mean, you have nothing to write, mama, this has to be a first” with those parting words, the chin lifts off my shoulder, and casually walks away.
That was my eldest and I think she just made a sarcastic remark, I have a feeling there’ll be more of that in the coming years.
But wait, that’s not all, she’s also advising me on how to run the blog, says I don’t make enough food, especially with chocolate,” who doesn’t love chocolate mama, you have to do more chocolate recipes”, yeah right and whose fault is it that I’ can’t do this?
Anything chocolate goes missing every time I buy them, I literally hide the stash among the Veges AND to top it off, she says I need to write more, worried I might be losing readers and claims I type too slow. There’s also the complaint that I space out when I’m on Instagram(could be true, I blame it on all that glorious food).
This reminds me, the wardrobe seems to be missing a few clothes and today I caught her red-handed with the help of my little minion. Now, this might be cute and I’m sure you moms are familiar with clothes suddenly disappearing when there are girls at home but I don’t find this amusing at all, for one, she’s picking out my favorites as well as my perfumes.
There she stood with a few T-shirts in hand and that smile,”mama, I’m taking this and this”while the minion danced around her pulling at them and refusing to let go,”that’s not yours, that’s mama’s”which naturally lead to an argument.
Now that was funny, picture this, one tall and should know better than to argue with a four-year-old, one short who learned to argue and if everything fails, scream. I was having too much fun to even shout”STOP!” and my minion was actually winning over her sister(obviously)
Later that day, I find two heads close together, shoulders touching, on their belly singing a duet(I think it was Taylor swift), my lesson, never get too involved or take sides when the girls are arguing. Flow Jehan, just go with the flow and Breathe.
Recipe time
Before you begin, please make sure to read the complete recipe at least once.
Looking at the Monday Bowl this week, I’ve reminded simplicity works, if I was to include anything extra it would be some lime Pickle. Let’s plate up this week’s featured meal.
As usual, every Srilankan Lunch bowl starts with a beautiful bowl of Rice, find recipe here.

Add a Milk curry next, the following leeks and Potato curry is not on the recipe list but you can include your preferred vegetable curry.

Followed by a Dry Beetroot curry, find recipe here

Next include your choice of meat, here I’ve added a Fish curry, find recipe here.

Drop by for another bowl next Monday until then stay safe and have a blessed weekend,
Brian Lageose
Tuesday 10th of November 2015
"Just go with the flow and Breathe". Lovely.
Tuesday 10th of November 2015
Thank you.How's the project? Done?